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Types of functions

To specify types of the functions' arguments and types of their return values, I use the following notation:

(r, g, b, a = 1.0: 8bit) → qolor

Read it as following:

  • The function takes 4 arguments: r, g, b, and a.
  • All arguments are of 8bit type.
  • The a argument has default value 1.0. Thus, it can be omitted.
  • The return value of the function is of type qolor.

Parameters of functions

Having a function like this:

sum: (x, y: real) → real

we can invoke it as following:

sum(10, 3)

Parameters of tagged literals

Having a tag like this:

sum: (x, y: real) → real

we can use it as following:


In other words:

  1. The whole literal is wrapped into backticks `
  2. Parameters are specified between ${ and }.
  3. Every parameter is an expression, thus it can be not only number literals like in most examples but also may contain some calculations:
    const arr = [1, 2, 3]
    sum`${1000}${arr.length - 1}`

Resulting color

I use ⇒ #RRGGBB or ⇒ #AARRGGBB syntax everywhere to express the resulting color in examples as following:

return Qt.rgba(
)  // ⇒ #808000ff